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Points Earning Projection Workshop
Module 1: Welcome
Welcome! (7:34)
What are Points Anyway? (0:25)
Module 1: Identify Your Baseline
Lesson 1: Collection (1:22)
Lesson 2: Categorize & Add (0:30)
Module 2: Identify Your Lost Opportunities
Module 2: What Are Lost Opportunities (5:05)
Module 3: Points Earning Projection
Points Earning Projection Workshop (13:13)
Bonus Module # 1: Cashback Opportunities
Leveraging Cashback Opportunities (1:18)
Bonus Module # 2: Shortfall Strategies
Introduction (1:01)
Shortfall Strategy # 1 (3:20)
Shortfall Strategy # 2 (1:32)
Shortfall Strategy # 3 (2:39)
Shortfall Strategy # 4 (2:41)
Shortfall Strategy # 5 (1:08)
Shortfall Strategy # 6 (0:58)
Shortfall Strategy # 7 (0:26)
You Did It!
Congrats! You Did It! (1:25)
Shortfall Strategy # 5
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